Sunday 14 August 2016

How to Lock Your Blogger Content with Social Like/Share Box [Social Content Locker Plug in]

Blogger Social Content Locker : How many people are using Social networking websites to boost their Website’s Traffic? are you one of them? if yes! then today i bring a Blogger tips to share your blog post on social media by your visitor. Apply this Blogging tip on your blog, sit back and relax. There are many more professional Bloggers  entirely depends on the Social Traffic. Blogger Social Content Locket help you to boost traffic fro social network - Facebook, Twitter, Google plus etc. So, here we going to present Social Content Locket Plun in  for blogger blogspot blog

Must See :  Wordpress Facebook like Lock Plug in

How to Plug in Social Content Locker in Blogger Blog :-

Step 1 : Go to and then Go to your Blog Dashboard

Step 2 : Then Click on "Template" and then click on "Edit Html"

Step 3 :  Press Ctrl+f  and then Find this tag </head> and then Paste the Below Code just above </head> this tag

<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

Step 4 : Then again Search for this tag </head> and paste the Below Code Just above this tag </head>

<link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$('#default-usage .to-lock').sociallocker({
buttons: {order:["facebook-like","twitter-tweet","google-plus"]},
twitter: {url:""},
facebook: {url:""},
google: {url:""},
text: { header: "Like us To Unlock This Content",
message: "This content is locked. Like us on Twitter, Facebook or Google plus to unlock it." },
locker: {close: false, timer: 0,},
theme: "secrets"


Now Just Replace Red Color links with your Social Media Links

Step 5 : Then finally  click on "Save Template" 

Step 6 : Now Whenever you want to show this Locker in any of your Blog Post or page Just add this Code in your Blog post Edit Html Editor.

<article id="default-usage">
<div class="to-lock" style="display:none;">

 Then Replace (Add Your Content Here) with your Content you want to Lock

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that that you can make money by locking special pages of your blog or site?
    To start just open an account on Mgcash and use their content locking tool.
